Review of 2021 PCB Industry
Due to the outbreak of the epidemic, the operation situation was greatly affected. However, as the epidemic becomes regular, the electronics industry has seen one burst of business opportunity after another. Online work and education have led to the astonishing growth of laptops and tablets. A large number of online activities have also led to the increasing demand for cloud computing. Server and Netcom products have also been booming throughout the year.
In the second half of this year, the traditional peak season has delayed by the epidemic outbreak, but the sales of iPhones are strong all the time. Automotive electronics rebounded from its long-time slump to catch up with the wave of post-epidemic recovery. Each major car factory to accelerate the spare parts to catch up with the latest business opportunities, car PCB factory is no longer too low grain rate suffered.
Looking Forward to 2022
PCB and IC board supply chain operators generally believe that the outlook is optimistic, and high-end products are in short supply. Market conditions are hot. Upstream raw materials and equipment factories are also busy. Due to the high barrier of high-end application technology, few raw material suppliers can enter into the supply chain, such as CCL upstream. And the production capacity is almost as saturated as that of PCB plants. With expanding manufacturers clamoring for equipment manufacturers to step up, the overall outlook for orders in 2022 is pretty bright.