Advantages of Printed Circuit Boards:
Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the foundational building block of most modern electronic devices. It is made by electronic printing, so it is called a "printed" circuit board.
Whether it's a simple single-layer board for a garage door opener, a six-layer board for a smart watch, or a 60-layer high-density, high-speed board for supercomputers and servers, printed circuit boards are the basis for the assembly of all other electronic components.
The current circuit boards are mainly composed of lines, patterns, dielectric layers, through holes, solder resistant ink, silkscreen, surface finish, and other components.
Semiconductors, connectors, resistors, diodes, capacitors, and radio devices are mounted to, and “talk” to one another through the PCB.
Advantages of Printed Circuit Boards:
►Compact size and saving of wire. PCBs can hold a large number of components.
►Easily repairable
►Saving Time
►The components are fixed
►Lesser chances of Short Circuits
►Little to no electronic noise
►Lower cost
An integrated circuit (ICs) is a kind of miniature electronic device or component comprising numerous functional elements such as transistors, resistors, condensers, etc. on a piece of the silicon semiconductor substrate, and is sealed inside a package with multiple terminals.
It has become a micro-structure with the required circuit functions. All of the components have been structured as a whole. They step towards micro miniaturization, low power consumption, intelligence, and high reliability.
Integrated circuits can be divided into three categories: analog integrated circuits, digital integrated circuits, and digital/analog hybrid integrated circuits according to their functions and structures.
Advantages of the integrated circuits:
►Small size
►Power consumption is less
►Less cost
►Less weight
►Replacement can be done very easily
►More consistent
►Improved operating speed & performance
►It operates at high temperatures
►Appropriate for small signal operation